Babu Freaks #6: The Babu Frik Choir
/The Freaks are back to talk Star Wars collecting, videogames, The Mandalorian, even a little Borat and other stuff!
Read MoreThe Freaks are back to talk Star Wars collecting, videogames, The Mandalorian, even a little Borat and other stuff!
Read MoreA freak gets tattooed, STAR WARS Squadrons review, The Razor Crest is coming from Hasbro an R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen
Read MoreWe discuss the few STAR WARS events and activities we were able to take part in during the Chicago summer.
Read MoreIt's a buddy hang with The Star Wars Boys from Illinois, along with RFR updates, including the origin of the all new RFR Facebook Group.
Read MoreThe Chicago Crew is back for more Star Wars ETC conversation and this time, we are joined by guest Freak Billy Mac!
Read MoreNew RFR Patreon Exclusive! Join Jimmy Mac and his Star Wars "Chicago Crew" for a wide-ranging Star Wars ETC discussion!
Read MoreFast-paced, fun, and informative, Rebel Force Radio: STAR WARS PODCAST (RFR), and its spinoffs, offer the best in news, commentary, interviews, comedy and discussion about the STAR WARS films and universe. RFR is hosted by lifelong STAR WARS fans Jason Swank and Jimmy “Mac” McInerney and supported by an ever-growing, loyal fan base. "Rebel Force Radio" "Star Wars Podcast" "Your Source For The Force"