IMDB Features an RFR Inside Joke
/Every once in while, an RFR inside joke gets some mainstream attention. "Where's Kitster?" ring any bells? Thanks to a heads-up from loyal RFR listener Campbell Evans (@CampbellEvans on Twitter), we were made aware of a new STAR WARS quiz on IMDB that includes a question about one of our favorite denizens of the planet Jakku. STAR WARS canon refers to this creature as "Happabore". But RFR listeners will always refer to this creature by the name given to him on the show well before the film opened by filmmaker Kyle Newman, "Hoggsquattle". As you can see, "Hoggsquattle" was one of the answer options in the quiz, thus promoting our fun nickname into the mainstream!
Thanks Campbell for the heads-up and congrats to Hoggsquattle lovers worldwide! If you would like to test your FORCE AWAKENS knowledge, click HERE to participate in IMDB's STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Fan IQ Quiz.
Vintage Mock-Up by Paul Bateman