Jimmy Mac and RFR Featured In Chicago Suburb Newspaper
/Jimmy Mac was featured in an all-new interview with The LaGrange Doings, his local suburban hometown newspaper (distributed by the Chicago Tribune/Pioneer Press). For her article “La Grange fan prepares his podcast for next ‘Star Wars’ installment”, writer Lynn Petrak interviewed Jimmy about his connection to Star Wars and how the film franchise accompanied him throughout many of life’s milestones. Here’s an excerpt:
“I’m definitely part of the ‘Star Wars’ generation. I was 8 years old when the first movie came out and it had a massive impact — it really opened up everything to me. It might have been the creative nudge in childhood that led me into broadcasting,’ says McInerney, who has had a long and successful career as a radio producer in the Chicago area.
The subsequent sequels and prequels also had parallels for McInerney as a fan.
“The first ‘Star Wars’ was a super-straightforward rescue-the-princess and blow-up-the-bad-guys’-hangout kind of movie, which was great for an 8-year-old. When ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ rolled around, it was perfect timing for me, too, with a more mature storyline and spiritual aspects. By the time the third movie came out, I was graduating high school and it felt final, like the cherry on top of my childhood,” he recalls.
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