
#JustEnjoyStarWars is a way to let your focus determine your reality. It's a mantra.

#justenjoystarwars isn't a command. It doesn't mean STFU. It doesn't mean "eat your vegetables". It doesn't mean suspend critical thought. It's just a simple reminder that Star Wars is simply entertainment. It will have it's hits and misses. It always has.

Whenever Star Wars fails you, brush it off and move forward. You obviously love Star Wars...Why waste your time on something you don't like? More importantly, why put people down for liking what they like? Just move forward. Don't let it send you into a spiral of negativity.

The days of desperation for more Star Wars is over. The days of waiting and waiting for something new is long gone. Soon, we will be in a place where Star Wars is delivered to us in an almost constant cycle. No more "we-only-have-one-shot-at-this" situations. While this may remove some of the "preciousness" of franchise, it will also give us more opportunities to #JustEnjoyStarWars.

We will always discuss what works and what doesn't. Nobody is getting a free pass around here. We will always be watching closely to see how the integrity of the saga is maintained. But to get yourself all bent out of shape about an episode of a streaming series or film is unhealthy. There will always be a new show or movie on the horizon. We didn't become Star Wars fans for any other reason than our passion for the stories.

FOCUS on your PASSION and determine YOUR reality.

The choice is yours.