In response to the conversation generated on RFR LIVE last week, Jimmy Mac rewatched THE LAST JEDI all the way through for the first time since March. Hear how his opinions have reinforced and changed in an in-depth breakdown of the film. We spotlight the highs and lows of Episode VIII while considering how various characters and situations are portrayed, and where things are heading for the soon-to-be-concluding Skywalker Saga. We look at an Esquire article that claims the portrayal of Luke in THE LAST JEDI was put into motion by George Lucas himself. Plus, we mix in a little MAD MAGAZINE STAR WARS canon for a completely different (and wacky) perspective. Also this week, the attempt to recruit the youngest fans picked up steam with the newly launched STAR WARS: GALAXY OF ADVENTURES series of animated shorts. We give our first-glance adult opinions, then we talk to someone who the shorts are actually geared towards...A kid! Ten year old Bailey Swank shares her take on the latest in STAR WARS animation and tells us whether or not she thinks it will appeal to kid viewers.